

I'm Out Of Excuses At This Point

Funny tweet that reads, "Woke up late for the 5,748th day in a row"
Via anlyin
Funny memes about sleep | child in party hat and lab safety goggles looking sleepy look like morning after getting 10 hours sleep. My brain at 1:47am My brain at school

Fourteen Sleep Memes For Insomniacs And Hypersomniacs Alike

Sleep: we all need more of it.
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Stories of people who slept through things

15 Deep Sleepers Reveal The Most Ridiculous Things They've Slept Through

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Wait A Minute

Funny meme that reads, "When you're sleeping and your alarm didn't ring yet but the amount of sleep you're getting is suspicious"
Via LeoSenior


Funny meme about someone one-upping your unhealthy lifestyle
Via Scruffles2015
Funny tweets, relatable tweets, johnny sins, porn.

23 Funny & Relatable Tweets For Your Bored Perusal

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cats sleeping

27 Cute AF Pics Of Cats Sleeping In Bizarre Positions

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I'm Out

Caption that reads, "Imagine you marry someone and find out they sleep like No. 6" above a chart of different sleeping positions, number six being very odd
Via UsernameNoLongerValid

Ooh, What'll It Be Today??

Tweet that reads, "I like to play this game called Nap Roulette. It's where I take a nap but don't set an alarm. Will it be a 30-minute nap? Will it be a four-hour nap? Will I wake up tomorrow? Nobody knows. But it's risky. And I like it"
Via JustARegularHorse

I'm Just Resting My Eyes I Swear

Caption that reads, "'Don't fall asleep;' Me: 'I'm not;' Also me: ..." above a pic of Ice-T falling asleep sitting in a chair
Via OddOneOut1337

Lol Oops Sorry

Caption that reads, "Texting me is really like" above a text conversation that reads, "Person 1: I fell asleep, hi; Person 2: Awww; Person 1: Sorry I fell asleep again LMFAO"
Via cupcakesrdelicious

I Just Can't Figure It Out

Eric Andre meme where he shoots 'a healthy sleeping schedule' and can't figure out why he's always tired
Via ThatWeirdPotterhead

OH God, Anything But That

Funny meme about going to sleep and thinking about existence.
Via sweatshoplegend

Good Question

Text conversation where one person asks their tall friend how tall people sleep at night if the blanket doesn't cover their entire bodies
Via alledelgardo

Gnight y'all!

Funny meme about Patrick Star and sleep
Via dankmemesgang

Make It Stop

Funny meme about going to sleep and hearing your pet licking itself.
Via @gameofloans