
forever alone


Caption that reads, "When a girl breaks up with her man and says 'There's plenty of fish in the sea' her inbox be popping like..." above four pics of very ugly deep-sea fish
Via JoanneCon5

Lemme TELL You

Caption that reads, "Me giving relationship advice to my friends while I'm the most single person ever" above a pic of Fran from The Nanny saying "Honey, let me impart some wisdom on you"
Via anlyin

Probably Why I Have No Friends

Pic of a symphony where a guy lifting up a sledgehammer represents 'me,' the sledgehammer represents 'weird niche humor,' and the platform represents 'people I just met'
Via Stressful

They Threw A Party And Everything

Caption reads, "The last time people were excited to see me" above a pic of an ultrasound
Via UrMomDoubleGay

He's Always There!

Funny sign advertisement for 'Joe the People Follower' who follows you around and makes you feel less lonely
Via abbiistabbii
terrible first dates

12 Horrid First-Date Stories That'll Make You Want To Be Single Forever

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Pls Give Me A Definition

Caption that reads, "Mom: Don't you have any friends you could be hanging out with right now?" Above a still of Eleven from Stranger Things asking, "What is 'friend'?"
Via 9bananastall

Me If I Get Married TBH

Tumblr post of a conversation where a woman asks her friend, "Can you ask him if he likes me?" Friend replies, "That's your husband"
Via artemisfly

Nailed It

Pic of a girl leading a guy through a field, followed by a pic of someone holding their cat's leg in a similar manner
Via Sissano
memes for lonely singles

15 Uber-Relatable Memes For All The Singles Out There

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Tweet that reads, "Who are we? Single young professionals. What do we want? For perishable groceries to be sold in smaller portion sizes"
Via anlyin

Well, I'm F*cked Then

forever alone kermit the frog sad day funny memes soulmates sad but true relationships kermit memes - 9160553984

It's Hard Out There For A Dweeb

Photo of an Asian boy talking about how he doesn't see girls as people
Via Abdicating

Dating After Age 25 In A Nutshell

forever alone Awkward relationships Memes funny dating - 9146878720
Via RobMx80

The Saddest Aisle In The Grocery Store

Sad forever alone single single af grocery shopping alone - 9144195840
Via Meeeeesh

im so lonely

forever alone lonely - 9000606208
Via guy